Content    Freq List    Freq w/GPS     Intertie Map     Sinbad Map     Skyline Map     Sinbad+Skyline     All 3 Combined


Utah VHF data and Maps for the SDARC (Sinbad),

Skyline and Intermountain Intertie (Snowlink) systems

Revised March 6, 2016


Please feel free to email any questions, updates, errors or omissions.

I will try and keep this site updated as timely as I receive information!


KE7ZIW - - Monroe, UT.   84754 - for more info!


Contents:                                                                                     Additional links:

Frequency's, PL’s and Location Names                                    Sinbad Desert Amateur Radio Club

Frequency's and GPS Locations and Names                             Skyline Radio Club

     Map of SDARC/Sinbad system…..O                                        Utah VHF Society

Map of Skyline system…..O                                                      Complete Utah Repeater List (Utah VHF Society)

Map of Intermountain Intertie (Snowlink) system…..O           FCC License search

Map combining all 3 systems…..OOO                                     Radio Links page, Races info, Operator Guides/instructions

Map of Sinbad and Skyline combined…..OO


Excel file of all of the above


To see any of the listed repeaters via Google Satellite or other Map form;

Simply Highlight and “copy” the GPS coordinates from the “Frequency’s and GPS location” page

and paste them into the Google search bar.

(example….. n43 00 27.7 w116 41 45.1 )

Click “search” and it will take you to the Google Map location for the coordinates you have entered.  If you

then click on the Map, it will expand into a larger map where you can select your desired view; Topo, Satellite, etc.


Good luck and have fun……………….Steve